Personalized Healthcare
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Why Join Mint Health Clinics?
Affordable Healthcare
One low price for as many visits as you need.
Same or next day appointments whenever possible in Bakersfield, CA.
You are in control of your information.
Have a one-on-one relationship with Dr. Huezo.
Hassle Free
No co-pays, no deductibles, no hassles. Just great health.
Your membership is designed to meet most of your healthcare needs. For services like emergency room visits, specialty services and other healthcare costs not included in your membership, you are required to cover these costs yourself. We recommend all of our patients have sufficient protection to cover unexpected healthcare costs through either health insurance or a health insurance alternative such as Sedera .
Yes. You can discontinue your membership at anytime for any reason without a penalty. Please refer to the member service agreement for details.
Mint Health Clinics for your company or group
Save big on primary care costs and have happier, healthier employees